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which of the following is a two sided tag

Java Games: Flashcards, duplicate, denseness, and word search.

Java Games for Tutorial 1: Session 1.2 - pp. 9-34


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constituent A distinct targe in an HTML document, such as a paragraph, a heading, or the page's title. p. 10
chase away The core building cylinder block of HTML, which marks all element in a Webpage. p. 11-12
two-sided tag Tags that has both an opening and a culmination tag; the general sytax is <element>content</element>. p. 11
opening tag The tag the identifies the outset of a two-sided tag. p. 11
closure tag The track that identifies the end of a 2-sided tag; IT use the syntax </chemical element>. p. 11
one-sided tag A tag used for empty elements, which does non have an opening or closing give chase. p. 11, 12
empty element An element that contains no content. p. 11
comment tag A tag that allows you to slip in a comment in your HTML code. p. 12
white space The blank spaces, tabs, and business breaks within a file. p. 12-13
attributes Control the behavior, and in some cases the appearance, of elements in the page. p. 13
head element Contains information about the written document--for good example, the document's title, or keywords that a search engine along the Web might consumption to identify this document for other users. p. 14
title constituent Contains the page title that testament appear in the title bar. p. 14
nesting The technique of placing united element inside another. p. 14
block-level ingredient Contains content displayed in a tell section within the page, scene it off from different blocks. p. 17
inline constituent This is part of the same block arsenic its encompassing content--for example, individual words or phrases within a paragraph. p. 17
inline styles Styles specified American Samoa attributes in a tag. p. 18
order list Items that must come along in a particular sequential order. p. 24
unranked number A list in which the items do non need to fall out in whatever special arrange. p. 24

Mr. McIntyre

Web Design I instructor

East Ridge High School

East Ridge, Tennessee
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which of the following is a two sided tag

Source: https://www.quia.com/jg/916218list.html

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